website for Ronon

Ronon has made so much progress in the ten months since I brought him home.

The night we arrived in Philly together, he was so terrified, untrusting, and untrained, that I could barely hold onto him during the half block struggle from the rental car to the front of my apartment building. For several months afterwards, I lived with a constant feeling that I wasn’t going to be able to keep him.

Two months ago, we went on a 2,000 mile road trip together. Three days ago, he earned his first sports title (BCAT). He has learned to trust me, and he takes many new situations in stride.

Our journey has only just started. I’ve been posting photos and updates on Instagram and Facebook, but I decided today that a transformation as epic as his is shaping up to be deserves a dedicated journal, hence this website.

At the moment, this is the first post, but I’m going to back date all the historical posts as I write them. I hope our current and future friends will enjoy, and benefit from, Ronon’s story.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. April Alcantara

    Jenna, I am so amazed with your dedication and strength of resolve to see Ronon through his transformation. I know you had such a struggle in the earlier days. I can’t wait to read all about it!

    1. J Gates

      Awww, thank you! And thanks for being the first commenter on the new site, too!! <3

  2. Vany

    This is great! Happy you both stuck it out together. 🙂

    1. J Gates

      I am happy we did too. 🙂

  3. Tracy

    Knowing the backstory, it brings tears to my eyes to know that you’re making your way forward together. You’re both braver than you know. xx

    1. J Gates

      This has been the worst year, but, somehow, here we are trying to make our way together.

  4. Jane Farmer

    You and Ronan are amazing. It has been a blessing to be a part of your Iives. I’m so glad you started this website. You both deserve it.

  5. Paula Norris

    You guys have made great progress. I look forward to your stories.

  6. Lisa Hosford

    You are a natural with all animals Jenna! Happy Ronon found his way to you💕

  7. Cindy Williams

    Jenna, I’m so pleased to see this. I’m looking forward to the whole story. I know it’s been hard, but I believe in you and Ronon.